Saturday, 22 September 2007

Webster's High School In Holland Touring 11 aside Teams - October 2007

Websters High School 11 aside squads will tour Holland in October 2007 from the 20th -26th, this will be the first and largest football tour that the school have undertaken.

The staff attending are:

Mr Herron - PE department - Tour Leader and team coach

Mr Jenkins -PE department - Assistant tour leader and team coach

Mr Phil Aitken -Local Policeman - Girls team coach

Mr Robb - Vocational Skills Tutor - Football-Rugby Coach- HSE safety advisor and 1st aider.

Mrs Ferguson - Work Experience Manager - Girls Team Manager and 1st aider

Their are 41 pupils and 5 staff touring, all parents, players, sponsors and donors are thanked for making this possible.

A special thank you must go to Mr Herron for his organisational and behind the scenes efforts, in making this tour possible.

A list of sponsors are below:

Please click on their links and continue to support them with your business.

Delson Contracts

Lochlands Garden Centre

Colin M Smith

Air Care Letham Angus
Tel : 01307818384
Fax : 01307818384
Address : 5-7 Guthrie Street, Letham, Forfar, Angus - DD8 2PS

Balhousie Care Homes

Milnbank Developments

63 Brechin Road, Kirriemuir, Angus DD8 4DE

McKenna Electricians

Tel: 01575 573444

1 Slade Road, Kirriemuir Angus, DD8 5HN

Visocchis Ice Cream

Charles Butler Engineering

Maclean and Lowson

Events and points of interest from the tour will be added to this blog and updated nightly on tour

Flights From Edinburgh Airport.

Check Live Flight Information Board

Bus supplied by J.P. Mini Coaches

J P Mini Coaches Ltd, Unit 3/Orchardbank Ind Est.

Forfar, DD8 1TD 01307 461 431

Tour Operator -
SET Sports Tours

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi just to say what a great web site i look forward to see photos from all.

Also just wanted to say thank you to all of the staff for there hard work for making this trip possible.
